You probably don’t need to be told that sharing doesn’t come naturally to most little kids. “Mine” is probably one of your toddler’s favorite words. Now try to imagine your little one having to share not just a toy but his mommy and daddy. (And for a lot longer than an hour or two at the playground.) No wonder suddenly having a sibling — something 80 percent of us experience, by the way — can be so fraught. Luckily, there are some tried-and-true ways to make things easier.

How to cope with jealousy toward the new baby

Acknowledge your child’s feelings. Know that your little one may express negative feelings or act out, and don’t scold. Instead say, “Being a big sibling can be hard. Sometimes you will feel sad or mad or do things you don’t mean to do and that’s OK. We will always love you and want to help you feel better.” 

Spend regular one-on-one time together. Try to give your toddler a bit of undivided attention, even if it’s just 10 to 20 minutes a day. One way to accomplish this more easily is to wear your newborn in a sling, which gives you two free hands to play a game with your older child. And have your older child cuddle while you’re nursing.

Feeling frazzled? Enlist help from a relative, who can tend to your newborn as you spend time with your oldest. Or suggest your partner schedule special activities together with your child, like whipping up weekend waffles or heading out to the movies.

Offer a gift (or two). No doubt there’ll be awesome baby gifts arriving by the truckload, which can be pretty rough for a tot who’s sitting on the sidelines watching the loot accumulate. So once in a while, surprise your older child with a big-kid present you happen to have at the ready. Nothing fancy — just a little something that says “being a big sib rocks,” like a new set of markers and a giant pad, a coloring book, a book, a puzzle or even a sheet of stickers. When friends arrive with (yet another) giant box for the baby, let your tot unwrap it for him (what a good helper!). If it’s an item that your newborn is too little to use (like a doggie pull-toy or set of blocks) let your big kid (gently) break it in.

Praise often. Reward your child with hugs and compliments for showing patience (waiting without wailing while you change a diaper), cooperativeness (handing you that diaper instead of winging it at the wall) and empathy (“The baby’s crying, Mommy. Maybe he’s hungry”). Make a fuss, especially in front of others: “Thank you for handing me the diaper, sweetheart! What a great big sibling!”

Dealing with specific behavior issues

Regression. Know that your toddler may revert back to behavior more typical to that of a younger child, like thumb-sucking, or experience setbacks if he’s toilet training or learning to use a toddler bed. Know too, that this is as much a sign of stress as it is a grab for attention. Try to be extra understanding and patient. And if possible, plan to start big changes, like toilet-training or weaning, well before the newborn arrives.

Acting rough with the baby. Your child may try to express anger towards the baby through physical aggression. Don’t punish, but do make it clear that absolutely no hurting is allowed. Let your little one express anger through other ways, like drawing a picture of himself looking mad or roaring like a big, fierce lion.

Anxiety. Anxious feelings often come from feeling displaced; you may notice more separation anxiety in particular. Along with making sure to spend time with your older child, encourage him to talk to you about how he feels. Be reassuring and tell him it’s normal to want things to be like they were before the baby.

Tips for older kids

Arrange a few playdates. School-age kids have no doubt made a few close friends by now and may have a long-time sitter or nanny. So see if you can schedule some extra time for your child to spend with them. Maybe plan a day at the movies or a trip to the ice skating rink. Your older child will not only enjoy these outings but will most likely feel more secure around people with whom he’s comfortable.

Try to stick to the usual routine. While it may be difficult to have things run like clockwork with the disruption of a new baby, doing your best to maintain a regular schedule will help your big kid feel less anxious and more reassured. Make sure he gets up and goes to bed at the same time as before the new sibling arrived and that your child participates in as many regular activities as possible.

Ask for help with baby-related tasks. Ask your child to put diapers on the shelf next to the changing table or fetch blankets or bottles for you. Once you feel he’s ready, your older child can even help burp, bathe and dress the new baby. No doubt he will feel proud to be given some new responsibilities.