After feedings, new parents tend to focus most on how much sleep their babies and toddlers get. For the record, kids who are between 1 and 2 years should have 11 to 14 hours a day, which includes naps. The good news: Many toddlers drift off without a hitch at night.

But sometimes there’s a snag in the schedule, causing certain toddlers to start waking up in the middle of the night again or rising for the morning before the rooster crows. If that’s the case at your house, you could be facing a 15-month sleep regression.

Read on to learn what the 15-month sleep regression is, how long it tends to last and how you can ease your child back on the sleep track.

What is the 15-month sleep regression?

A 15-month-old sleep regression is just what it sounds like — an interruption in the nighttime and naptime schedule you’ve so carefully put together for your toddler that happens when your child is around 15 months old.

Not every tot will go through this phase, just as not all babies experience the various sleep regressions in infancy, including the ones at 4 months, 6 months8 months and 12 months of age.

How long will the 15-month sleep regression last?

If you’re curious about how long the 15-month sleep regression may last, you can relax. This setback is temporary and tends to peter out after a couple of weeks or up to several, depending on your child.

For example, some toddlers quickly settle back into their old routines once they’ve dropped a nap, while others may need a fresh approach to sleep training, which takes longer.

Signs your toddler is going through the 15-month sleep regression

Wondering about 15-month sleep regression signs? Here’s what to look for:

  • Irritability. You might notice more crying at the end of the day, as well as extra tears when she’s put down for a nap or at bedtime.

  • Waking up at all hours. Crying in the middle of the night or during her regular nap hours or waking at the crack of dawn are other common sleep regression signals.

  • Missed naps. If your toddler cuts her napping in half or skips them here and there during the week, she could be dropping one of two, which can play into the 15-month sleep regression.

Causes of the 15-month sleep regression in toddlers

Causes of the 15-month sleep regression are often related to several different milestones your toddler is hitting right now, whether they’re physical, emotional or developmental. Here’s a look at what could be interfering with your toddler’s naps and nighttime tuck-in:

  • Burgeoning independence. Have you heard “Me do it!” a lot lately? Your toddler wants to put on her jacket, pull that duck toy and grab the spoon you’re offering without your help — all to prove what a big girl she is. And newfound independence could cause her to resist sleep.

  • Separation anxiety. This clingy phase typically peaks between 9 or 10 and 18 months, which means it’s very likely one of the main causes of the 15-month sleep regression.

  • Walking — and running. Her gross motor skills are taking off big time, from pulling up and cruising to taking steps and running. And who wants to sleep when you can do that?

  • More words. Most babies utter their first word around 12 months, so your tot is probably practicing this new skill (over and over!) by calling out “Mama!” and “Come here!” from the crib at naptime and at night.

  • Illness or teething. A cold, fever or ear infection can wake a toddler at night — and teething pain is another common cause of disrupted sleep. At this age, the first toddler molars are breaking the gum’s skin and your tot’s canines come in next, around 16 to 23 months.

  • Fear of the dark. A bigger imagination is also developing at this age, which might lead to nightmares or worry when the lights go out in her room.

  • A dropped nap. Lots of tots this age transition from two naps to one, usually in the afternoon. If yours is doing this, her daytime (and bedtime) sleep could be disrupted. But if her sleep is solid at night, it could mean she’s fine with a single daily nap.

Tips for handling the 15-month sleep regression in your toddler

Wondering how to manage this latest sleep setback? Try following these sleep regression tips:

  • Roll with it. When it comes to nap changes and disruptions, just move on. When her daytime sleep starts to scale back, it can be bumpy. The bottom line: She’ll live to nap another day.

  • Watch your reaction. Toddlers love attention, even the negative kind. If you get worked up and anxious about nighttime waking or early morning rising, it could rub off on her.

  • Get back to the basics. Has your bedtime routine fallen by the wayside? Be consistent with it so your tot knows what to expect. Make the process a regular, predictable event with a bath, a few stories, a special song and some cuddling before putting her down.

  • Try a night light. A small night light in the corner or a light left on in the hallway may ease a fear of the dark. And if your child hasn’t already found a special toy to clutch, offer a lovey to hold at night too.

  • Consider sleep training — again. Nope, it’s not just for babies! You can revisit a sleep training method you used before or try one for the first time in toddlerhood. Figure out which approach is right for your little one, such as the chair methodbedtime fading or Ferber.

When to call the doctor

If you just can’t figure out why your tot is fighting her nap or waking up again at night, give the doctor a call. Your pediatrician might have some different strategies you can try and may be able to give your toddler a once-over to determine when illness or something else is hindering her sleep. And don’t ignore loud breathing, snoring or very disruptive nightmares — make a call to the doctor.

Keep your chin up if your toddler is going through the 15-month sleep regression. This temporary stage should work itself out in a matter of weeks, especially if you stick to the usual bedtime and nap routine. By being consistent, you’re signaling to your tot that sleep is coming every night, the same way.